Fives Kinder-Collaborative (RPNS)

5 year olds
Dates + Times

PM Program
Monday through Friday 11:20am-2:20pm
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 11:20am-2:20pm

*Class takes place at RPNS*


5 Days a week - Three payments of $2,833 / 3 Days a week - Three payments of $2,000
Class Description

We are excited to announce that Rye Presbyterian Nursery School will be partnering with Learn’ique to offer an innovative and exciting program: The Fives Kinder-Collaborative!

Intended for children enrolled in the RPNS morning Fives program, who will be entering Kindergarten in the fall of 2025, the Fives Kinder-Collaborative will immerse your child in a FULL DAY of hands-on learning and meaningful enrichment.

Children enrolled in the Fives Kinder-Collaborative will have the unique opportunity to balance the best of both worlds: A high quality preschool experience facilitated by RPNS in the mornings, coupled with Learn’ique’s uniquely curated enrichment experiences in the afternoon. Dual curriculum will be designed to go hand-in-hand while supporting developmentally appropriate goals, independence, self-confidence, and a genuine love for learning.

The Fives Kinder-Collaborative will take place on-site at RPNS. The environment will be designed to reflect a preschool classroom space and support exploration and direct instruction.

A 30-minute lunch extension is included, so please plan to send your child with a nut-free lunch each day.

Dates + Times

PM Program
Monday through Friday 11:20am-2:20pm
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 11:20am-2:20pm

*Class takes place at RPNS*


Class Description

We are excited to announce that Rye Presbyterian Nursery School will be partnering with Learn’ique to offer an innovative and exciting program: The Fives Kinder-Collaborative!

Intended for children enrolled in the RPNS morning Fives program, who will be entering Kindergarten in the fall of 2025, the Fives Kinder-Collaborative will immerse your child in a FULL DAY of hands-on learning and meaningful enrichment.

Children enrolled in the Fives Kinder-Collaborative will have the unique opportunity to balance the best of both worlds: A high quality preschool experience facilitated by RPNS in the mornings, coupled with Learn’ique’s uniquely curated enrichment experiences in the afternoon. Dual curriculum will be designed to go hand-in-hand while supporting developmentally appropriate goals, independence, self-confidence, and a genuine love for learning.

The Fives Kinder-Collaborative will take place on-site at RPNS. The environment will be designed to reflect a preschool classroom space and support exploration and direct instruction.

A 30-minute lunch extension is included, so please plan to send your child with a nut-free lunch each day.

5 Days a week - Three payments of $2,833 / 3 Days a week - Three payments of $2,000


Take advantage of this valuable opportunity
to create a livable, learnable space at home.

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20 May 16

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